Happy Monday Lovelies! I made this dress on a quick whim last week since I wanted to try and play along with at least one of the Sewcialists Mini Challenges this year. I spun the challenge wheel and got the color Coral, and I so happened to have a coral sheet sitting in my upcycled pile so it worked out perfectly! […]
DIY Upcycled Bed Sheet to Child’s Dress
DIY Upcycled Men’s Pants to Child’s Dungaree
Good Evening Lovelies! I was going to wait until tomorrow to share this, but the excitement was just too much to bear! haha! I finally get to share with you the FIRST OF FOUR, (1 of 4) super top secret pattern tests I’ve been working on. This one is particularly exciting because 1. I upcycled one of Shaun’s work pants to […]