Happy First Day of Spring Guys!!! I was actually going to title this post “It’s Spring!”…but I live in California and it feels like Spring arrived here weeks ago! lol I LOOOOOVE SPRING!!! It’s my most favorite season, even though my allergies always get the better of me and I’m miserable for a good part of the season, it’s still my […]
It’s the First Day of Spring!
Our Christmas in Belize – PART 9 – at Home featuring the Spring Dress
Happy Hump Day My Lovelies! Today’s feature will be my last dress feature for our trip. *wuh wuh wuuuuuh*. This particular post is very special to me, because our shoot takes place at my family home. I saved the best for last! haha! It’s hard to believe this house started with just four walls. I remember growing up my […]
Our Christmas in Belize – PART 1 – Caye Caulker, Belize – featuring DIY Toddler Sport Shorts
HAPPY 2015 MY LOVELIES!!!! Isn’t it crazy another year rolled around just like that? You might have noticed I was under the radar for the last few weeks of 2014 but thats because instead of starting 2015 with a bang, my family and I ended 2014 with a bang vacationing in BELIZE!! *insert whoop whoop here* I am originally from […]
Pattern Review: Burda 5318 Vintage Jumper
Hi Lovelies, I had something totally different planned for today, but I got this super cute jumper pattern in the mail yesterday and I just had to do it! I picked a yellow floral print I thought was perfect for summer (can’t remember where I got the fabric, but I know I’ve had it forever). Anywho…on to the reviewing… Pattern […]
New Dress!
Hello hello! Ya’ll know I don’t usually blog unless I am really excited about something! So here it is! It’s always Christmas time for me when I get a new shipment of fabric from fabric.com, but this time was especially exciting. The minute my hand touched this darling fabric, I was instantly inspired and I just HAD to start working on […]
Hello to you! Gosh, I’ve been so busy since the beginning of the year….and preparing for the Marshmallow’s (nickname for my daughter) second birthday! I wanted to create as many things as I could for her…and if you are following me on Facebook or Instagram, you know all about her first dress (found here), and how I wasn’t satisfied so I […]