Happy Friday Lovelies! Today’s blog post is going to be very short! I hesitated about whether or not to feature this dress, because it was just a relaxing day at the farm with no big adventures. Unless you consider bird watching adventurous. =) Nevertheless, I did sew up this piece for our trip, so I thought, why not! I bought […]
Our Christmas in Belize – PART 6 – A Short Feature.
Our Christmas in Belize – PART 4 – Another Adventure on the Farm featuring the Flutter Sleeve Peasant Dress
HAPPY HUMP DAY MY LOVELIES!! I giggled as I was writing this post because I thought, its Hump Day and our next adventure takes place on a hill! haha! Perfect!! Today’s feature is the Flutter Sleeve Peasant Dress. If you follow me here on the blog, or on social media, you know it’s one of my very favorite to make, […]
New Racerback Dress with Pockets
Hey guys! I wanted to create the racer back dress (from last week) but this time WITH POCKETS! I just love how simple and cute this dress is! The Marshmallow was in a great mood today and she humored me so it didn’t take us very long to get some good shots! Have I mentioned how much I love contrasting […]
La Petite Princesse de Paris Dress
I thought this name for fitting for this dress especially since my daughter calls it her “Princess Dress” I guess it’s because of the twirl factor! =) Many thanks to my awesome friend Anya, for suggesting it! I received another Paris print from Fabric.com (link in the bottom of this post) last week and just had to make another dress! […]
Hello to you! Gosh, I’ve been so busy since the beginning of the year….and preparing for the Marshmallow’s (nickname for my daughter) second birthday! I wanted to create as many things as I could for her…and if you are following me on Facebook or Instagram, you know all about her first dress (found here), and how I wasn’t satisfied so I […]