Well Hello Lovelies!!
I know its been a minute since my last post! It’s been a pretty busy few months, in-between working on version 2.0 of PatternTesters.com, sewing up samples for Quilt Market, preparing for our trip to London where I hosted #TheGreatLondonFabricHunt and 7th grade homework, I’ve had little time to focus on selfish sews and blog work. I have a little down time now before a new set of fabrics arrive for more sample work so I thought I’d catch up on some blogging. Earlier in July I was chosen to test the super adorable Sullivan Dress by Sew Much Ado.
The Sullivan Dress features a sweet scalloped or straight bodice, options for short sleeves or sleeveless, and knee or maxi length skirts and runs from a size 12mths to 12 years.
I was assigned the maxi version with sleeves, I wasn’t sure how much #thespirtedone would like a maxi dress that wasn’t very twirly, but she actually love it! I used some cotton rayon I had in my stash, and I can’t remember for the life of me where I got them from.
What I love about the draft of this pattern is that it looks like a top and skirt but it’s actually ONE PIECE – it really is beautifully drafted. I also love the peek-a-boo lining action on the sleeves.
The scallops are pretty darling…
and so is the keyhole back!
This pattern is still on my cutting table WIP box because I intend to sew up a short sleeveless version as soon as I find the time, I’ll be sure to blog about that one too, there’s so many different looks you can achieve with this pattern.
And, that’s it for today you guys! Thanks so much for stopping by and keeping up with me! Talk to you soon! xoxox