My darling hubby surprised me with the super awesome Oliso Pro Smart Iron for my birthday! I’m telling you, having the proper tools really makes sewing and crafting a lot more enjoyable and fulfilling.

I couldn’t wait to test it out, so I was glad to have gotten it right around the same time I started making dresses for the Marshmallow Princess.I decided on something simple, that wouldn’t take up too much time from start to finish and settled on the “Triangle Dress”. I started testing from remnants of fabric (all from Michael Levine’s Inc.) I had left over from making the scarves (I never throw out remnants no matter how small they are!) .
I truly love how there are so many different directions you can take this dress, and its still so stinking adorable! It’s the perfect summer dress! Cool, breezy, flowing and most importantly easy to take off from a busy toddler! (If you’ve ever tried to change a busy toddler’s clothes you know just how challenging this is! lol)
This was the first Triangle Dress style I tested, I had just finished making a braided scarf and I thought a braided neckline with a criss crossed back would be super cute!!!

I then made a second dress, this time using ribbon, and absolutely loved how “fancy” this look was:

But after making this one, I couldn’t stop thinking about what else I could have done, and then the ideas just kept coming, and I ended up with two super cute variations:

This one I finished on Sunday, and do believe its my favorite variation of the Triangle Dress! Seriously, how adorable is the bow in the back! Absolutely loved the summery rose print and just couldn’t pass it up when I saw it, and its in sale right now! Here is the link: Red Roses.

I’m currently working on reading and understanding patterns, so the next time you see a clothing post, I will feature something made from a pattern! Talk to you soon!!